Hi! Welcome to our blog. This is the result of two bored minds looking for something to do.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Had to. Dead you know.

Had to. Dead you know.

While sitting at the puter playing a game, I noticed my little "blogs" info sheet... and thought.. oh why not!?! Of course, the title has NOTHING to do with the game or the blog... just popped into my head.  Oh boy- those who come after me will have real problems figuring out what the heck I'm ever talking about when the time comes that even I don't know what I'm talking about... lol.. SEE, I TOLD YOU!

miss you.
wish you were here.

PS. this is a real game.  what are the chances that I'd get this opportunity lol

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Friday, July 19, 2013

Oh My... HOW LONG since our last post?

So, we'll never make money by blogging lol... but here's the latest and greatest-  well, at least the hottest!

'Twas 100+ degrees in the park when I made this beauty!

Notice the REAL R and Y!! lol  They were FOUND IN NATURE hahahahahah

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Lunch in the Wrong Park!

So.  The park was STILL closed on 12/27 because of the storm in October.  So many trees down.
We needed to find a place for lunch... and look what I found on an upturned tree trunk!!

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